Editing and Proofreading

“The pleasure of translation lies in the emotion involved in trying to solve thousands of small problems in a broader context. Mystery, puzzle, kaleidoscope, game, maze, riddle, juggling (…) the pursuit of words and facts is incessant and it requires imagination…”

                                                                       Peter Newmark

All the material that we translate undergoes a careful, standardized process to ensure the excellent quality of our translations. This process consists of:

(i) A preliminary analysis of the material to be translated.


(ii) Subsequent development of a first draft with the support of bibliographical and technological tools. Access to a network of professionals (non translators) for specific consultations.


(iii) Revision of the first draft to cross-check technical details while ensuring that the original tone has been conveyed in the target language text.


(iv) Spell check, final review and formatting adjustments.

Our dedication to accurate translations and the messages of our customers are reflected in this process, which ensures a product of the highest quality.